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Grouping Annotations

Thursday April 16, 2015 at 1:57pm
You can select multiple annotations in a drawing and group them so they move together when you drag them. Ungroup annotations so they move independently.

 You can select multiple annotations in a drawing and group them so they move together when you drag them. Ungroup annotations so they move independently.

  1. In a drawing document, box-select or hold down Ctrl and select two or more annotations to group.
  2. Click Group (Align toolbar), or click Tools > Align > Group > Group.
  3. Click an empty area of the drawing to clear all of the selections.
  4. Drag any annotation in the group.

The annotations move together as a single entity.

You can just as easily delete a group (1) or remove a single annotation from a group (2).

  1. Select an annotation in the group and click Ungroup (Align toolbar), or click Tools > Align > Group > Ungroup.
  2. Right-click the annotation you want to remove from the group and select Group > Remove From Groups.


By Jon Weston-Stanley

View the Video here

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